©SafeNews: the Digital Vaccine against Fake News.

Authenticity verification with just 1 click. For digital newspapers and social networks.



SafeNews is a dedicated technology from DNA DOC

What is SafeNews?

We call SafeNews any news or information that carries in itself its origin (author), date and time of generation. By clicking on the news itself, verification is performed on the certified servers and in a few seconds the reader receives the answer: if it is Authentic, the name of the author (and/or company) plus its date and time of authentication is displayed. If it is not authentic, the response indicates that the news is false or has been Altered.

"All information without the identification of source and author does not deserve credibility. Fake News is the modern term for rumor, defamation and lies whose authors hide in anonymity. SafeNews makes it possible is to separate identifiable and responsible information from anonymous information."

Eduardo Bosco

How do you know if a news story is authentic or fake? With SafeNews, just click on it.


    It’s as simple as that:

  • At the discretion of each verification platform, the authenticity check can be reduced to 1 click on the news itself.
  • Optionally, newspapers or networks may offer the verification service through menus or pop-ups.
  • Verification can also be performed by downloading the news and dragging it to the SafeNews universal verification site.
  • Each media outlet -such as newspaper or social network- will define, at its discretion, the best means of verification.

SafeNews does not compare content or store news

The SafeNews verification system uses only the news itself to verify its integrity and authenticity. No kind of comparison is performed with other files. A SafeNews file is stand-alone and can be similarly scanned by any third-party server/computer that has installed the scanning service module.

Application Flow (author/newspaper)


    The author of the news (after combining any desired texts, images and videos) records the news as an electronic file in any format defined by the publisher. After saving it, the author ‘signs’ the news with his password. The transmit/publish command triggers a dynamic Token, which enables the absolute security of the transmission. The Token generated is valid for 1 minute.

  • The author has his unique password to ‘sign’ the news.
  • To publish the news, the SafeNews system publishing module generates a dynamic Token.
  • The publication of a SafeNews therefore uses two security keys.
  • The last step is the application of the Verification Link on the news itself.

The Verification Process (for the reader)


    Each electronic news outlet (newspaper, social networks, etc.) will choose its preferred form of verification:

  • 1) Through a simple click on the news.
  • 2) Through a menu/pop-up of functions with the option to “verify” the SafeNews.
  • 3) Downloading the news and then 'dragging' the file onto the general SafeNews verification site.

SafeNews is Stand-Alone and allows for universal verification

A SafeNews news can be scanned on any server in the world that installs the verification program. The news carries within itself its identity and authenticity.

Flexibility and Universality:

  • The news can be generated in any electronic format.
  • The verifiers are the same as those installed on every certified server.
  • In addition to the servers, the news archive can be verified by the SafeNews website:
  • Drag the news or upload it to the SafeNews website and wait for the verification result.
  • Verification is free and unlimited.
  • Each author receives a unique signature key and is responsible for its secrecy.
  • In the event of theft, leakage or extortion the author can instruct the server to block new publications with his/her name.

Even if an author receives a new signature key, all news published with the previous key remains with the SafeNews security applied.

Therefore, the exchange for a new key inhibits the use of the previous key to apply SafeNews to the new articles.

Newspapers may include their name -along with the signature of the author of the news- at their discretion. When registering as a SafeNews author, this option will be offered.

How can you be SURE that the response has not been hacked?


    Hackers could, in theory, succeed in breaking into the newspapers' servers and change the verification link.

  • With this in mind, we have included the option for the verifier to log into a free verification site (which contains the author’s name) so that the result of the verification is accompanied by the author’s name.
  • This option creates the so-called independent cross-key: the hacker has no way to break into the newspaper's server to change the verification link AND at the same time extract the name of the person performing the query.
  • Every news transmission from the author to the server uses a dynamic Token:

  • The publisher's internal Token prevents a hacker from successfully transmitting the news to the server, even if the hacker has have the author's signature key.
  • The Token is dynamic and changes every minute.
  • Thus, to publish a SafeNews you must have the author's password and the unique Token installed.

Why do we NOT indicate what has been changed?

    The SafeNews system does not have a news database to be able to make comparisons. The news is stand-alone and is stored on the authors' computers. In fact, it doesn't matter what has been modified. The value of SafeNews is precisely to identify if there was even the slightest alteration or not. When it has NOT been tampered with, the author, date and time of the publication of the news is revealed.

    Some points that deserve attention:

  • If the author of the article modifies it, a new authenticity key is generated.
  • The previous original news and the modified news will be considered authentic.
  • A news article is a file whose content can contain text, images, and videos.
  • The verification link is applied by the newspaper designer.
  •  In social networks, the verification check will depend on the decision of each network and can be done:

    1) Through a touch menu/pop-up function.

    2) By a simple click on the news.

    3) By downloading the news and verifying it on the SafeNews website.

  • Only the authors of the news will pay for the authentication service. Verification is free and unlimited.

Does sharing a news article affect its security?

    No. The only requirement we make is that the name of the file containing the news is not changed. One part of the security key is included in the file name.

    The reasons why a SafeNews story can only be verified as an archive (file) and not with single words are:

  • Loose words, such as simple text, can be easily changed.
  • A sentence can change its entire meaning by including or subtracting a comma.
  • Files can connect text, images and/or videos in a single block.

A Simple and Independent vaccine against Fake News.

By not storing news, the SafeNews system democratizes information. The actual news carries the ability to reveal itself as authentic or false. With SafeNews, we will finally manage to eradicate Fake News.